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SAT Subjects quan trọng thế nào với các trường Đại học Mỹ!

15th September, 2018

Làm sao để biết SAT Subjects có quan trọng với trường em định dự nộp hay không? là câu hỏi mà nhiều ứng viên đặt ra khi quyết định có nên thi SAT Subjects hay không?!
Mỗi trường Mỹ coi tầm quan trọng của việc nộp điểm SAT Subjects ở mức độ khác nhau, nhưng có thể chia làm 4 nhóm như sau:

  1. Required: Trường yêu cầu thí sinh phải thi và gửi điểm SAT Subject đến trường vì đây là một trong những tiêu chí cần để xét hồ sơ. Một số trường chỉ yêu cầu 1 Subject Test, những trường cạnh tranh hơn thường yêu cầu 2 điểm SAT Subjects.
  2. Recommended: mặc dù đây không phải yêu cầu bắt buộc nhưng đa phần các thí sinh sẽ gửi điểm SAT Subjects nếu điểm của họ cao (từ 700-750 trở lên). Trong hầu hết các trường hợp, trường thường đánh giá cao thí sinh gửi điểm SAT Subjects vì cho rằng ứng viên dám thách thức bản thân và có lợi thế vượt trội ở mỗi Subject họ chọn thi.
  3. Considered: trường không đặt nặng việc thí sinh gửi điểm SAT Subjects nhưng nếu có, sẽ là một điểm cộng nhỏ. Nếu bạn thích một môn học nào đó hoặc môn học đó gắn liền với mục tiêu nghề nghiệp tương lai của bạn, bạn nên thi và gửi điểm SAT Subjects (cao) đến trường.
  4. Alternative: một số trường có chính sách linh hoạt cho phép thí sinh dùng điểm SAT Subjects để thay thế cho việc gửi điểm SAT/ACT… hoặc một số trường khác tuyên bố họ rõ việc ứng viên gửi hay không gửi SAT Subjects không ảnh hưởng đến việc xét duyệt hồ sơ của họ.
Ngoài ra, một số trường khác cho phép nộp ACT và Writing thay cho SAT và SAT subject tests. Tức là, thí sinh có thể lựa chọn gửi điểm ACT và phần Writing của ACT hoặc gửi điểm SAT và 2 điểm SAT Subjects.

Một số trường đánh giá điểm SAT Subjects ở mức độ khác nhau và yêu cầu cụ thể: 

(Số liệu cập nhật cho mùa tuyển sinh năm ngoái 2017-2018)

CollegeCategoryACT in Lieu of SAT and Subject Tests?Policy
Amherst CollegeConsideredApplicants who wish to submit Subject Test results may do so for consideration as part of the application evaluation process.
Barnard CollegeConsideredSubject tests are not required, but will be considered if submitted.
Boston CollegeConsideredSAT II Subject Tests are optional. If you would like to highlight a talent in a specific area, you are welcome to submit SAT Subject Tests for consideration with your application. Subject Tests, particularly in foreign languages and the sciences, may be used for placement during the first year.
Boston UniversityConsidered [Req for Special Programs]Accelerated medical and dental programs require Subject Tests in Chemistry and Math 2. A Subject Test in a foreign language is also recommended for these programs.
Bowdoin CollegeConsidered [Req for students who were homeschooled or attended high schools with no grades]Test Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. Applicants for whom subject tests are required should take Math Level 1 or 2 and a science.
Brown UniversityRecommended (2)Liberal Medical Education Applicants should submit at least one Subject Test in either Biology, Chemistry, or Physics
Bucknell UniversityConsideredStudents may submit their SAT Subject Test scores as supplemental information to their application. Bucknell does recommend the test in foreign language for any student planning to enroll in foreign language coursework.
California Institute of TechnologyRequired (2)Requires Specific Tests: SAT Subject Test Math Level 2, and one SAT Subject Test in science.
Carleton CollegeConsideredApplicants may submit the results of their SAT subject tests. “We have found these tests valuable aids in the assessment of the quality of student achievement in a wide variety of secondary school programs. It has been our experience that SAT subject test results usually enhance a candidate’s credentials and only rarely constitute a negative factor.”
Carnegie Mellon UniversityRecommended for most programsTwo SAT Subject Tests are recommended, in addition to the SAT/ACT, except for the College of Fine Arts.
Claremont McKennaConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted. Homeschooled students are required to submit two SAT Subject Tests, one of which must be math.
Colby CollegeAlternativeTwo SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT.
College of the Holy CrossConsideredTest Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted.
Colorado CollegeAlternativeThree SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT. The tests must include one quantitative, one writing/verbal, and a third of your choice.
Columbia UniversityConsideredThe SAT Subject Test scores are not required, but Columbia will accept scores from the exams if you choose to submit them. You will not be at a disadvantage should you choose not to take the tests or submit the scores to Columbia.
Connecticut CollegeConsideredTest Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted.
Cooper UnionRequired [Engineering Only] (2)All Engineering applicants must submit two SAT II subject test scores. One must be in Math (Level 1 or 2) and the other must be in either Physics or Chemistry. Architecture and Art applicants are not required to submit SAT II scores.
Cornell UniversityRequired [Arts and Sciences and Engineering only] Subjects of your choice for Arts and Sciences; math and a science of your choice for Engineering.
Dartmouth CollegeRecommended“We recommend that you submit two SAT Subject Test scores to help us better understand your academic strengths. We encourage you to take tests in the two subjects you like the most. If you submit more than two subject test scores, we will look at your two best scores. Alternately, if you do not submit subject test scores, it will not prevent your candidacy from receiving a full review by the Admissions Committee.”
Davidson CollegeConsideredIf applicants have taken SAT Subject Tests, Davidson welcomes but does not require those scores.
Duke UniversityRecommendedYesFor those students who submit the SAT, two subject tests strongly recommended.
Emory UniversityRecommended [Req for homeschooled applicants]“SAT II subject exams are encouraged, but not required. Students are encouraged to submit SAT subject exam scores for academics areas of strength and/or interest. Since these exams are not required, students have the choice of which subject exams they want to report. Do note that we request home-schooled applicants submit scores from three SAT II subject exams.”
Franklin Olin College of EngineeringConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted.
George Washington UniversityConsidered [Req Special Programs] (2)Two SAT Subject Tests are required in science and mathematics for the Seven Year BA/MD program.
Georgetown UniversityRecommended [Strongly] (3)Strongly Recommended: Three SAT Subject Tests.
Hamilton CollegeAlternativeThree SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT. One must be a verbal or writing/essay test, one must be a quantitative test, and the third is your choice.
Harvard CollegeRequired (2)Two SAT Subject Tests are Required, in addition to the SAT/ACT, except in special circumstances:
“While we normally require two SAT Subject Tests, you may apply without them if the cost of taking the tests represents a financial hardship or if you prefer to have your application considered without them…If your first language is not English, a Subject Test in your first language may be less helpful.”
Harvey Mudd CollegeRequired (2)Two SAT Subject Tests are required. One must be in Math Level 2; the other can be in any subject the student chooses.
Ithaca CollegeConsideredTest Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. SAT Subject Tests are still considered optional supplements for homeschooled applicants.
Johns Hopkins UniversityConsidered“Applicants may also choose to submit SATSubject Tests in one or more areas of interest as a way to demonstrate an academic strength. We will consider the two highest Subject Test scores when reviewing applications, but your application will not be negatively affected if you choose not to submit Subject Test scores.”
Lafayette CollegeRecommendedSubject Tests are recommended to strengthen your application.
Lehigh UniversityRecommendedSAT Subject Tests are not required for admissions but are recommended as college credit may be awarded for scores of 700 or higher.
Macalester CollegeConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted.
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyRequired (2)Two SAT Subject Tests are Required, in addition to the SAT/ACT.
Specific tests required: Math (Level 1 or Level 2) and either Biology, Chemistry, or Physics
McGill UniversityRequired (2)YesSAT + two SAT Subject Tests Required , OR ACT with Writing
Middlebury CollegeAlternativeThree SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT.
Mills CollegeConsidered [Required for homeschooled applicants]In addition to first-year student requirements, homeschool students  will need to submit official results of the GED or the California High School Proficiency Examination and two SAT subject tests
New York UniversityAlternativeTest requirements satisfied by fulfilling one of the following:
  •  SAT (essay not required)
  • ACT (writing not required)
  • Three Subject Tests
  • Three AP exams
  • The International Baccalaureate Diploma
  • Three IB higher-level exams (if a student is not an IB Diploma candidate)

Students who choose to submit three SAT Subject Tests, AP or IB scores must submit one in literature or the humanities, one in math or science, and one of the student’s choice.

Northwestern UniversityConsidered“SAT subject tests are optional. Subject exams…allow students to demonstrate their skill level(s) in a particular area. However, subject tests may be from topics outside of your potential major. Prospective students who do not submit SAT subject test results will not be penalized; we recognize that many applicants may not have the opportunity to sign up for the exams.”
Oberlin CollegeConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted.
Occidental CollegeConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted.
Pomona CollegeConsidered [Recommended for homeschooled applicants]SAT Subject Test scores are optional. In addition to the SAT or ACT test results, home-schooled students are encouraged, although not required, to submit results of at least two SAT Subject or Advanced Placement exams
Pratt InstituteConsidered [Req Architecture]Bachelor of Architecture applicants are recommended to take the Math Level 1 or Level 2 Subject Test.
Princeton UniversityRecommended (2)“We recommend, but do not require, the submission of two SAT Subject tests. If you intend to pursue a B.S.E. degree, we recommend you take one SAT Subject Test in either physics or chemistry and one SAT Subject Test in mathematics (Level I or II).”
Reed CollegeConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted.
Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteConsidered [Req for Special Programs]YesApplicants to the accelerated programs in law or medicine must submit two SAT Subject Tests (one math and one science).
Rice UniversityRequired (2)YesTwo SAT Subject Tests in fields related to proposed area of study are required.
Smith CollegeConsideredSAT II subject tests are optional for all applicants.
Stanford UniversityConsidered“Stanford requires just one exam—either the SAT with Essay or the ACT with Writing. All other exams are optional. Because additional scores can assist us in our evaluation process, we welcome the self-reporting of these results in your application.”
Stevens Institute of TechnologyConsidered [Req for Special Programs]Subject Tests in Math (Level 1 or 2) and either Chemistry or Biology are required for the Accelerated Medical Program.
Swarthmore CollegeConsideredSubject Tests are not required for admission, but will be considered if submitted. Prospective engineers are encouraged to submit the Math 2 Subject Test.
Tufts UniversityRequired (2)YesTufts requires either the SAT (without the optional essay) plus two SAT Subject Tests, or the ACT (the writing section will no longer be required.)
Engineering applicants submitting Subject Tests are advised to take math and either physics or chemistry. Students considering a major in mathematics or the sciences are advised to take math and a science test.
Union CollegeConsidered [Req for Special Programs]YesTest Optional. Students applying to the Leadership in Medicine program are required to submit one math and one science Subject Test along with the SAT. Alternatively, applicants can submit the ACT in lieu of both SAT and Subject Tests.
University of California, BerkeleyRecommendedScores from SAT Subject Tests can be used to showcase academic mastery.
University of California, DavisConsideredSAT Subject Tests are not required and UC Davis will consider submitted SAT Subject Test scores only if they benefit the applicant.
University of California, IrvineRecommendedSubmission of SAT Subject Test scores is not required but may add positively to the review of your application.
University of California, Los AngelesRecommended for Some ProgramsSchool of Engineering and Applied Sciences recommends Math Level 2 and a science test related to the applicant’s intended major.
University of California, MercedConsideredThe SAT Subject Tests are not required.  However, you are welcome to submit scores if you would like to:
  • Use Subject Tests to satisfy “a-g” subject requirements.
  • Show your mastery of a particular subject or set of subjects.
University of California, RiversideRecommended for Some ProgramsUC Riverside does not require SAT Subject Tests, but some academic departments and highly competitive majors recommend them. Applicants should take the Math 2 Subject Test and either Chemistry or Physics if they are interested in Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) or the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS).
University of California, San DiegoRecommended for Some ProgramsBiological or physical science applicants and applicants to the School of Engineering should take Math Level 2 and a science Subject Test related to the applicant’s intended major.
University of California, Santa BarbaraRecommended for Some ProgramsTwo SAT Subject Tests closely related to your major are recommended for engineering, biological or physical sciences majors. If taking a math subject test, Math Level 2 is required.
University of California, Santa CruzConsideredUCSC does not use the SAT Subject Tests for selection purposes, but you can use SAT Subject Tests to satisfy the “a-g” UC requirements.
University of ChicagoConsideredIf you have done exceptionally well on a particular subject test and would like to show us, feel free to send us that score.
University of GeorgiaRecommendedSubject Tests are recommended to strengthen your application.
University of MiamiConsidered [Req for Special Programs]Honors Program in Medicine and Honors Program in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology require minimum scores of 600 on a math Subject Test and on a science Subject Test.
University of North Carolina, Chapel HillConsideredYou may submit supplemental scores from AP, IB or SAT Subject tests if you think they are a good reflection of your mastery of the material.
University of Notre DameConsideredSAT Subject Tests, AP, and IB tests are only used in the application process if scores enhance an application.
University of PennsylvaniaConsideredSAT Subject Tests are recommended but not required. Applicants who do not take SAT Subject Tests will not be at a disadvantage in the admissions process.
Penn recommends any two subject tests to Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences applicants; Science (preferably Chemistry) for Nursing applicants; Math Level 2 and a science test (preferably physics for Engineering students) to STEM applicants; and Math Level 2 to Business applicants.
University of RochesterAlternativeTwo SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT.
University of Southern CaliforniaOptional [Req for homeschooled students]
“We require SAT Subject tests only from first-year applicants who do not attend a regionally accredited high school (such as home school, some non-accredited parochial or community based programs, even some newer schools). These students must submit three SAT Subject exams, including one in mathematics, in addition to the SAT or ACT. For all other applicants, these exams are optional.”
University of VirginiaConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted.
Vanderbilt UniversityConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted.
Vassar CollegeConsideredSAT Subject Tests are not required, and students opting not to send Subject Tests will not be penalized. However, SAT Subject Tests will be considered if submitted as part of a testing profile. Subject Tests may enhance an applicant’s credentials, particularly for applicants from non-traditional school backgrounds (homeschooled, non-graded schools, etc.). Note that a strong score on an SAT Subject Test is also one way to fulfill Vassar’s Foreign Language Proficiency requirement.
Wake Forest UniversityConsideredTest Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. Subject Test Scores may be self-reported.
Washington and Lee UniversityConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted.
Washington University in St. LouisConsidered“We will only consider them if they strengthen your application.”
Webb InstituteRequired (2)Two SAT Subject Tests are Required, in addition to the SAT/ACT.
Specific tests required: Math Level 1 or 2 and Chemistry or Physics.
Wellesley CollegeConsideredSome candidates may wish to provide additional testing to demonstrate particular academic strengths.
Wesleyan UniversityConsidered [Req for some students]Test Optional for US and Canadian students. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted.
Candidates applying from secondary schools that provide written evaluations in place of traditional grades or students who have been homeschooled, attend online high schools, or who are enrolled in other non-traditional secondary school programs are required to submit ACT results or the SAT and two or more SAT Subject Tests.
Worcester Polytechnic InstituteConsideredTest Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted.
Yale UniversityRecommended“SAT Subject Tests are recommended but not required. Applicants who do not take SAT Subject Tests will not be disadvantaged in the application process. We will consider your application on the basis of the other testing, and all the other information, that we receive with your application. You may wish to consider whether there are particular areas of academic strength you would like to demonstrate to the Admissions Committee. Subject Tests can be one way to convey that strength. ”

Bổ sung thêm các trường có SAT Subjects Required/Recommended

(Số liệu cập nhật cho mùa tuyển sinh năm ngoái 2017-2018)

CollegeCategoryACT in Lieu of SAT and Subject Tests?Policy
Amherst CollegeConsideredApplicants who wish to submit Subject Test results may do so for consideration as part of the application evaluation process.
Barnard CollegeConsideredSubject tests are not required, but will be considered if submitted.
Boston CollegeConsideredSAT II Subject Tests are optional. If you would like to highlight a talent in a specific area, you are welcome to submit SAT Subject Tests for consideration with your application. Subject Tests, particularly in foreign languages and the sciences, may be used for placement during the first year.
Boston UniversityConsidered [Req for Special Programs]Accelerated medical and dental programs require Subject Tests in Chemistry and Math 2. A Subject Test in a foreign language is also recommended for these programs.
Bowdoin CollegeConsidered [Req for students who were homeschooled or attended high schools with no grades]Test Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. Applicants for whom subject tests are required should take Math Level 1 or 2 and a science.
Brown UniversityRecommended (2)Liberal Medical Education Applicants should submit at least one Subject Test in either Biology, Chemistry, or Physics
Bucknell UniversityConsideredStudents may submit their SAT Subject Test scores as supplemental information to their application. Bucknell does recommend the test in foreign language for any student planning to enroll in foreign language coursework.
California Institute of TechnologyRequired (2)Requires Specific Tests: SAT Subject Test Math Level 2, and one SAT Subject Test in science.
Carleton CollegeConsideredApplicants may submit the results of their SAT subject tests. “We have found these tests valuable aids in the assessment of the quality of student achievement in a wide variety of secondary school programs. It has been our experience that SAT subject test results usually enhance a candidate’s credentials and only rarely constitute a negative factor.”
Carnegie Mellon UniversityRecommended for most programsTwo SAT Subject Tests are recommended, in addition to the SAT/ACT, except for the College of Fine Arts.
Claremont McKennaConsideredSubject Tests are considered if submitted. Homeschooled students are required to submit two SAT Subject Tests, one of which must be math.
Colby CollegeAlternativeTwo SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT.
College of the Holy CrossConsideredTest Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted.

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